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12 Signs that Your Clients’ Hair is in Trouble! (Part 2)
12 Signs that Your Clients’ Hair is in Trouble! (Part 2)

In part 1 of the 12 Signs that Your Clients' Hair is in Trouble!, we talked about some signs that could indicate the beginning of trouble for your Client's Hair. As a Proactive Stylist, you will need to be on the lookout for these indicators so you can inform your Client. Join The Good Hair Tribe Membership to learn more about how to spot and handle these issues.

The following are some more signs that your Client's Hair and Scalp might be in trouble:

7. Your Client has Scaly Patches on Other Parts of the Body

Some scalp disorders also manifest themselves in other parts of the body. Depending on the type of disorder, they can manifest themselves on the nipples, pubic region, nose crack, etc. If you suspect your client is suffering from a scalp disorder, you can probe with this question, and raise the red flag If she responds in the affirmative.

8. Inflammations, Sores and Pus on Scalp

Grab your gloves right away! You might just be encountering a fungal infection, and you sure don't want your salon to be a source of fungal infection spread in your locality. If you see oozing sores and pus on your client's head, you should send her to a doctor right away. Don't even touch that scalp! Encourage them to seek professional advice from a Certified Trichologist and Join The Good Hair Tribe Membership for comprehensive insights into Holistic Hair Care.

9. Your Client has a Smooth Scalp in Place of Follicles

If you notice smooth and shiny skin in an area that is supposed to be filled with little or a lot of hair, this is definitely a cause for alarm, as your clients' follicles might be dead. Please note that hair cannot grow in an area where the hair follicles are dead, but you can help your client stop the practices that led to this situation

10. Your Client's Scalp is Filled with Flakes

If your client has flakes plenty enough to fill her shoulders, clothes, and the chair she is sitting on with white dust falling off her scalp, she should definitely get it checked out. It is okay to have a dry scalp that peels off once in a while, but not too prolonged and embarrassing enough to spray everyone around her with. Register for The Good Hair Tribe Membership now to access exclusive resources and expert advice that will empower you to take care of your Clients better.

11. Your Client has a Leathery Scalp Texture

Once your client suffers from hair loss, it is either the hair grows back or not. It is a very bad sign if the texture of the scalp begins to change to a leathery feel. It means something is going on underneath the scalp, and your client possibly needs to get a scalp biopsy to confirm the presence of any form of scarring alopecia.

12. Your Client's Hairline Keeps Receding

If the hairline of your client keeps receding with each salon visit, it is time to stop that client right in her tracks. She is obviously engaging in some bad hair care practices, and I guess that you know about those practices. It is time for you to walk with her on her journey back to hair recovery. Join The Good Hair Tribe Membership now for Proactive insights and strategies to tackle this pattern and promote Healthier, Fuller Hair.

In conclusion, the role of a Proactive Hair Stylist extends beyond the realms of Hairstyling; it involves a commitment to the overall well-being of Clients. By understanding and recognizing the subtle signs and symptoms of Hair and Scalp Disorders, a Proactive Stylist becomes an advocate for their Client's Health. From Scaly Patches on other body parts to the emergence of alarming textures and Receding Hairlines, the Proactive Stylist acts as a first line of defence, guiding Clients towards professional help and Holistic Hair Care — Join The Good Hair Tribe today and embrace the journey to becoming a Proactive Hairstylist.


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