Services - Corporate

Hair Stylists' Training

Hair stylists, while being experts in hair beautification, mostly lack the scientific knowledge of hair required to make their clients hair reach its optimum health. Our stylist training programs are designed to fill the Hair Care literacy gaps in your stylists, according to their needs. These training are beneficial to stylists and salon businesses who want to separate themselves from the pack, and elevate their brand and create new value chains in the business. These trainings can be conducted both virtually or in-person. 

To contact us for this service, send an email to

Corporate Staff Training

Whether your organization is a cosmetic company, or any other company whose staff requires Hair Care Literacy to carry out their day to day activities, we will train your staff in any area where they need their knowledge filled up. These trainings can be conducted virtually or in-person.

To contact us for this service, send an email to

Group Memberships

You can sign up your staff for group access to The Good Hair Tribe Membership, where they will have access to all the Hair Care Literacy Content, Guest Experts, and everything that the membership offers. We will send your organization a monthly learning report for all your enrolled staff so you can monitor and track the Learning Appetite and progress.

To contact us for this service, send an email to

Hair Coaching Woman

Curriculum and Course Development

We develop curriculums, course content and materials for formal and informal education institutions in the area of Hair Care Literacy and Hair science.

To contact us for this service, send an email to