The Good Hair Tribe is a Tech-driven Hair Care Literacy and Coaching company, with a mission to plug the Hair Care Literacy gap worldwide. We curate solutions for both Individuals and Corporate organizations with Memberships, Courses, Curriculums, Stylist Trainings, Staff Trainings, etc.
No matter your level of Hair Care Literacy, The Good Hair Tribe has the perfect path for you. We are the only Hair Care literacy community with the percet blend of curated pathway courses, community support, Industry expert teachings, video coaching calls and so much more.
The Good Hair Tribe is a safe place to share hair care issues and challenges without any judgement. Atilola is ever so cheerful, open, honest, and doesn’t hold back on knowledge. I love that she’s willing to share and teach us.
I like the monthly quiz and the weekly teachings on The Good Hair Tribe. The quizzes keep us on our toes, and makes the teachings stick. I like the way Atilola teaches passionately, she knows her onions.
What I like most about The Good Hair tribe is the access to guest experts, who teach us about our hair and health related issues. I like Atilola's strength, the passion she uses to drive her points home and the joy she derives from people's response about their hair care journey.
My edges, which I thought were gone for good, are gradually growing back. In The Good Hair Tribe, there are no stupid questions. I also get to learn from the experiences of other members. The teachings on the portal are very informative and enlightening. Atilola breaks stuff down to the simplest form, and she brings the best guest experts for our sessions.
Ever since I joined The Good Hair Tribe, I am slowly regrowing my edges and my hair is fuller. What I like about Atilola is her pleasant attitude and how she makes the group collaborative. I don’t learn only from her but from all members of the group
My edges have started growing. I saw a great improvement in my edges as a result of the challenge on the tribe. I have also seen a difference in the length of my hair. Atilola is very knowledgeable and caring. She doesn't keep any information back. She teaches with her whole heart