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7 ways to make money as a Hair Coach
7 ways to make money as a Hair Coach

As a Hair Coach, if your Hair Coaching Business doesn’t make money, it’s not a business, it’s a hobby. There’s certainly nothing wrong with having a hobby if that’s what you’re going for. However, the reason you started a Hair Coaching Business is to make income from it. 

With that in mind, we are going to share with you a few different ways you can make money as a Hair Coach from your Hair Care Knowledge and expertise.

Are you still wondering why you should become a Hair Coach? Check out this post on 5 benefits of starting a Hair Coaching Business and click here to register for our upcoming free webinar on How to build a Successful Hair Coaching Business. 

Ways to make money as a Hair Coach

1. Hair Coaching Sessions 

Offer one-on-one or group coaching sessions where clients can learn about proper Hair Care, styling techniques, and personalized routines to achieve healthier and more attractive hair.

2. Online Workshops

Host virtual workshops or webinars on various hair-related topics, such as hair care routines, DIY treatments, styling tips, and more. Participants can pay a fee to attend and gain valuable knowledge.

3. Online Hair Membership Programs

Launch a subscription-based online membership platform that provides members with exclusive access to a range of resources, including regular hair care tips, personalized advice, product review and recommendations, live Q&A sessions, video tutorials, ongoing support and even discounted coaching sessions. We will talk more about this in our upcoming free webinar on How to build a Successful Hair Coaching Business. 

4. Product Recommendations and Affiliates

Partner with hair care brands and recommend their products to your clients. You can earn a commission for each sale made through your unique affiliate links.

5. Sponsored Content and Partnerships 

Collaborate with hair care brands or salons for sponsored content on your social media platforms or website. You can showcase their products or services and receive compensation in return.

6. Digital Products 

Create and sell digital products that cover various aspects of hair care, such as managing specific hair types, preventing hair loss, mastering various hairstyles and maintenance routines. Some popular digital products to create are eBooks, audio files, instructional videos and printable or digital Guides. Your clients can use these products to get more information about their hair issues, track their progress, set goals, and maintain consistent hair care practices.

7. Physical Products 

Expand your offerings to include physical products related to hair care, such as curated hair care kits, speciality brushes, silk pillowcases, or other accessories that complement your coaching services.

Now, you may be wondering “What’s the best way to make money as a Hair Coach?”

There’s no one “best” way to make money as a Hair Coach. It depends on what they’re good at, what you enjoy doing, what your audience wants and how much effort you are willing to put into it.

Are you intrigued with the various ways to make money as a Hair Coach we've explored above but uncertain about where to begin? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Sign up for our upcoming free webinar on "How to Build a Successful Hair Coaching Business" if you haven't already. Click here to reserve your spot and take the first step towards turning your Hair Coaching dreams into a reality. 

So, what are your thoughts about ways to make money as a Hair Coach? Leave your comments below!

How to build a successful hair coaching business webinar


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